
Long story short – My neighbor came over to chat. She backed
off slowly with a disgusted look on her face… I speedily shut the door, went
out my other door, walked all the way around her house to get to the front door
of my house and… There it was. RIGHT ABOVE WHERE I HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN
STANDING. A tarantula. Anyways… after some excitement and some tears we killed
the beast.
that tarantula at my house has made doing the laundry almost emotional for me.
Scratch almost. I have a very hard time doing laundry. (As the washer is
outside under the house in a shed thing, and you hang dry your laundry. Josh
has been great at doing the laundry on Saturdays for us. However, there are
times when I have to do it- and … no words. Just fear.
I made my Grandma's Artisan bread :) |
Life these days.

What’s new, what’s new. Let’s start with the girlies. Fay
and Eden are growing up way to fast. They’ve found a new pair of shoes that we
brought for them and they are LOVING them. Kris MacDonnell gave them these
SO cute! They have a few new tricks! The other morning we were lying in bed and
I asked Fay where Mickey Mouse was. She went and turned the TV on. They love
Mickey Mouse Club House. They take their diapers to the garbage. They are
learning how to fold their arms for prayer. They’ve started dancing
J You know that cute
little baby bounce? That’s the one! Fay’s new words are purple, swim suit and
Pa-Pa. Eden’s new word is Bekam. (our little neighbor boy) She sounds like a
little bird when she says it- ‘ba-KAHm’. So cute! They both say book, ball,
apple, cheese and shoes. Oh the shoes. How they love them! They’re learning the
word tree. They still love animals.
There’s a cat that comes around every once and a while and the girls love to
play with it through the sliding glass doors. There was a cute puppy that came
over one day, super fun! And…. A goat up on our veranda a couple times.
We took the girls to the fort to take some pictures for Josh’s mom (Marianne’s) birthday and Father’s Day. The results? Adorable! They’ve been giving mom and dad kisses for a while now but they recently started giving each other kisses. SO CUTE!
Fay |
Eden |

Father’s Day shout out to my incredible husband. I love
watching him with the girls. He’s a natural.
Fay and Eden adore their dad and they will always have a special bond
with him. My Dad is such an incredible example of what a Father should be-A
provider, protector and one who presides in righteousness. My dad is selfless
and sacrificing, has a great sense of humor, and is one who fulfills his
dreams. I’m so glad that my girls have him to call ‘Pa-Pa.’ My Grandpa Reagh is
another great man. He is a great example of charity and service. At family
dinners he often shares words of love from his heart and seldom is there a dry
eye around. I’ve gotten to know my Grandpa Jack a lot better over the past
couple years. He is a meat and potatoes kind of man. He’s a great example of
generosity. My Grandpa Earl passed a way when I was 7. He taught me how to fish
and how to eat dandelion stems. He and Grandma Bev often took us camping and
together we made some of the fondest memories of my life. I love these men in
my life. And feel so blessed to know them and call them mine

We were lucky enough on our little island to have a
missionary couple (Elder and Sister Wright) come visit us from St. Maarten!
Crazy enough, they are from Raymond! Such a small little world. They came for
Stewart Beckett’s baptism. He was baptized in the ocean – what a neat thing to
witness. We snatched the Wright’s up for dinner and enjoyed a meal and great
conversation with them- not to mention Josh’s best pina-coladas yet! I then had
my first Statia-driving experience as I borrowed my neighbor’s car to drive
them to the Becketts, where they were staying. The tricky part of driving at
night, is that most of the cars have super tinted windows so it’s even harder
to see. The adventure to the Beckett’s house was eventless. I dropped off the
Wright’s and made my way to Duggins (the grocery store). I took a wrong turn and went down a one-way
street. I stopped when a …kindly Black man had his arms wide open in question.
I rolled my window down a little bit and another man looked at me and said (say
with that cool Caribbean accent) “Sweet heart. Are you lost?” I responded with…
“No, I think I just missed my turn.”
“Exactly.” He says sweetishley.
“Um, what do I do now?”
“You gotta turn around.”
“Um… these windows are tinted really dark and I can’t see to
do that.” Pause… “Could you talk me through it please?”
“You bet.”
So they talked me through it and off I went-the right way.
I’m sure they had a good little laugh at this crazy white girl.
Beach Days J

You should see these little chickellettes at the beach!
Fearless! They run into the washed-up
waves. Sometimes they get knocked down, but it doesn’t seem to bother them any
more. It’s such a fulfilling feeling to watch your babies learn something new
or figure something out. Fay was chasing the receding wave and after getting
knocked over by the wave coming in she learned that when she sees the wave
coming back towards her that she needs to run up shore. So she’ll chase the
wave out then get an excited look on her face as she sees the wave coming
towards her and heads back up.
I took Eden into play in the water and she loves it so much.
She just puts her head back into the water, closes her eyes and smiles while I
swoosh her around. While I was playing with Eden, Fay was exploring the shore.
She had our neighbors sand toy basket and was carrying it around. SO cute!
Eden, I’m sure has had consecutively new bonks on her head.
Poor girl! She’s such a trooper! The little stinker has started to bite her

They are getting SOOOO much better with their naps,
especially the last few days. And I’ve finally tried to stop getting them in
the night when they cry- and much to my surprise ;) they are getting better at
sleeping through the night.

They are tackling the stairs. Their fine-motor skills are
coming along. Yesterday Josh was teaching them how to put a popsicle-stick
through a slot on a toy. Man it’s so fun to watch them learn! They love going
for walks. On average we go 3 times a week to pick up Josh from school. The
walk to the school is uphill, over, downhill, more downhill, over, downhill. So
if you were thinking that Josh is the one that pushes the stroller home- you
were correct! Home is uphill, over, uphill, more uphill, over downhill. Crazy
hilly island. We need a car! Sad day! We had an awesome one lined up but it fell
through. Sad day. Sad day indeed.
EMMA comes in 37 days! Can’t wait! I made my first Statia
count down chain J
Internet. What’s That Again?
Oh, Nelly. I can’t even tell you the sadness we’ve got going
on over here. Our internet is the pits. Stickier then the pits if you can
imagine. It was surprisingly pretty good for the first while. Then BAM we
didn’t have internet for a week and a half. What really doesn’t make any sense
is that our neighbors’ (who share the same internet as us) internet was working
perfectly fine! So our landlords put a security password on the internet in
hopes that that would make it better, well it’s made it worse. Sometimes our computers and ipods will
recognize the signal and work and sometimes the will recognize the signal and
not work and sometimes they won’t recognize the signal at all. AGGREVASION!
Anyways… My sister-in-law, Jenna is sending along a wi-fi booster. So I have
high hopes that that will work. At this point all our internet stuff is handled
at the school with it’s speedy, awesome internet. SIGH enough of that
June 30th
A couple updates for ya. There are now only 29 days until
Emma gets here!!! WAHOO! I cannot wait!
I’ve decided that it’s time to name the sharks down at the
beach. They’ve made it their home. There are 2 so I’m taking name nominations.
Feel free to leave a comment.
Banana Spider. In. My. Room. NOT COOL! It was on my dresser
on my swimsuit. Ugly.
The girls are 14 months old now! They are loving the beach more
and more. They seem to be understanding us really well, they listen pretty good
when they’re told not to touch something. They have been taking their diapers
to the garbage for a while now and are rewarded with excitement and high-fives
from Josh and I. This morning they gave each other a high-five. So cute!
Eden and Fay's new faces! |
Josh is continuing do to really well in school and is
looking forward to the upcoming term break in August.
I have a love/hate relationship with hearing about what’s
going on at home. I love hearing about their happenings but wish we could be
there with them. I especially wish they could see the girls. It’s so crazy how
much they have changed in 2 months. My mom, sister and grandma have been
working on some fun projects at home including spray painting the awesome-est
cast iron bed frame turquoise, repainting cabinets, modge-podging chairs. So
fun! My little brother Benny got stitches in his wrist :S Matt, my other little
brother is going to be in Jr. High next year! My dad went to California for a conference.
Our internet (or lack there of) still has a mind of it’s
own. It won’t connect with our desktop, lap-top, or my ipod. But it will connect with Josh’s
ipod, and if I’m lucky it will have a good enough signal so I can facetime with
my fam. It makes absolutely NO sense.

So that's it that's all until the next blog!