What's that again? haha just kidding.. i'm getting just enough. Josh has been sleeping upstairs lately, as his labour-intensive job requires an awake labourer... so that sucks. I really look forward to the weekends when he joins the girls and i downstairs. The girls have been pretty good sleepers i'd say. We usually get the to bed at about 11 and they're usually up around 3 and 6. Then they'll be up every hour or so from 6 to 11am... then we get up and have our TV routine. SAD i know. But we are beginning to break away from the TV and venture upstairs and even outside sometimes. I'm not even going to mention all the tv shows that the girls and i watch because it's pretty lame that i have it all memorized. Sleep... it's over-rated anyways right? JK
Ok so i'm sure you're wondering what the bugs are about. Thanks to some generous gift cards, we purchased a new swing for the girls. There are 2 little bigs on a mobile type thing above the swing and the girls LOVE these bugs!!! Seriously! It is the cutest thing ever to watch them swingin' away, smiling up at the bugs. Adorable. Simply adorable.
So aside from sleep and bugs... some other things happening worthy of mentioning i'd say would be that Josh and i planted flowers! Yuppers! we had a small eye-sore in front of our house and now we don't. Josh painted the concrete, laid the soil and i planted flowers. Wonderbar.
Also James (my big brother) is engaged! His fiancee is Allison East from California- excited to meet her! so needless to say we will be making a trip to Cali in August. The 4 of us will be flying - Thank goodness!
The girls are growing. I wish they would stop :( They're almost 10 weeks old! Time flies.. but at the same time it seems like i've had these chicklettes forever. <3 Fay and Eden both have incredibly cute smiles! Seriously, adorable! /they've been having some gassy tummy troubles lately. sadface. They have many different types of cries.. i've learned that the 'ngah' cry means 'i'm gassy'. i think that they're 'nee' cry means that they're cold or uncomfortable. Thanks to the dunstan baby language i've learned that 'nah' means that they're hungry. Knowing this has helped me realize that i need to work on their gassy issues by pumping their legs or whatever when they do the gassy cry and not feed them all day long. They have these really cute little wimper cries that are heart-melting. It's just a short little cry and it's usually just out of the blue.
They are getting their baby blessings this Sunday and we are having a BBQ afterwards. We are looking forward to that. :) will post pics soon...