Fayleah and Eden are 8 months old today! It's so hard to believe! They are as beautiful and as darling as ever. Fay had been so close to crawling for a while now and as of Christmas Eve day, she now crawls. She also enjoys turning the page while I read her a book. She's such a smiley little thing :) Eden is getting more mobile, she can crawl backwards. She can also clap! They had a blast Christmas morning with the paper, ribbon and bows. They got lots of nice things from everyone.
I love these little girls, it's so indescribable. It is the most rewarding feeling in the world. <3<3
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Sleep and Bugs
No, we don't have bed bugs. ha.
What's that again? haha just kidding.. i'm getting just enough. Josh has been sleeping upstairs lately, as his labour-intensive job requires an awake labourer... so that sucks. I really look forward to the weekends when he joins the girls and i downstairs. The girls have been pretty good sleepers i'd say. We usually get the to bed at about 11 and they're usually up around 3 and 6. Then they'll be up every hour or so from 6 to 11am... then we get up and have our TV routine. SAD i know. But we are beginning to break away from the TV and venture upstairs and even outside sometimes. I'm not even going to mention all the tv shows that the girls and i watch because it's pretty lame that i have it all memorized. Sleep... it's over-rated anyways right? JK
Ok so i'm sure you're wondering what the bugs are about. Thanks to some generous gift cards, we purchased a new swing for the girls. There are 2 little bigs on a mobile type thing above the swing and the girls LOVE these bugs!!! Seriously! It is the cutest thing ever to watch them swingin' away, smiling up at the bugs. Adorable. Simply adorable.
So aside from sleep and bugs... some other things happening worthy of mentioning i'd say would be that Josh and i planted flowers! Yuppers! we had a small eye-sore in front of our house and now we don't. Josh painted the concrete, laid the soil and i planted flowers. Wonderbar.
Also James (my big brother) is engaged! His fiancee is Allison East from California- excited to meet her! so needless to say we will be making a trip to Cali in August. The 4 of us will be flying - Thank goodness!
The girls are growing. I wish they would stop :( They're almost 10 weeks old! Time flies.. but at the same time it seems like i've had these chicklettes forever. <3 Fay and Eden both have incredibly cute smiles! Seriously, adorable! /they've been having some gassy tummy troubles lately. sadface. They have many different types of cries.. i've learned that the 'ngah' cry means 'i'm gassy'. i think that they're 'nee' cry means that they're cold or uncomfortable. Thanks to the dunstan baby language i've learned that 'nah' means that they're hungry. Knowing this has helped me realize that i need to work on their gassy issues by pumping their legs or whatever when they do the gassy cry and not feed them all day long. They have these really cute little wimper cries that are heart-melting. It's just a short little cry and it's usually just out of the blue.
They are getting their baby blessings this Sunday and we are having a BBQ afterwards. We are looking forward to that. :) will post pics soon...
What's that again? haha just kidding.. i'm getting just enough. Josh has been sleeping upstairs lately, as his labour-intensive job requires an awake labourer... so that sucks. I really look forward to the weekends when he joins the girls and i downstairs. The girls have been pretty good sleepers i'd say. We usually get the to bed at about 11 and they're usually up around 3 and 6. Then they'll be up every hour or so from 6 to 11am... then we get up and have our TV routine. SAD i know. But we are beginning to break away from the TV and venture upstairs and even outside sometimes. I'm not even going to mention all the tv shows that the girls and i watch because it's pretty lame that i have it all memorized. Sleep... it's over-rated anyways right? JK
Ok so i'm sure you're wondering what the bugs are about. Thanks to some generous gift cards, we purchased a new swing for the girls. There are 2 little bigs on a mobile type thing above the swing and the girls LOVE these bugs!!! Seriously! It is the cutest thing ever to watch them swingin' away, smiling up at the bugs. Adorable. Simply adorable.
So aside from sleep and bugs... some other things happening worthy of mentioning i'd say would be that Josh and i planted flowers! Yuppers! we had a small eye-sore in front of our house and now we don't. Josh painted the concrete, laid the soil and i planted flowers. Wonderbar.
Also James (my big brother) is engaged! His fiancee is Allison East from California- excited to meet her! so needless to say we will be making a trip to Cali in August. The 4 of us will be flying - Thank goodness!
The girls are growing. I wish they would stop :( They're almost 10 weeks old! Time flies.. but at the same time it seems like i've had these chicklettes forever. <3 Fay and Eden both have incredibly cute smiles! Seriously, adorable! /they've been having some gassy tummy troubles lately. sadface. They have many different types of cries.. i've learned that the 'ngah' cry means 'i'm gassy'. i think that they're 'nee' cry means that they're cold or uncomfortable. Thanks to the dunstan baby language i've learned that 'nah' means that they're hungry. Knowing this has helped me realize that i need to work on their gassy issues by pumping their legs or whatever when they do the gassy cry and not feed them all day long. They have these really cute little wimper cries that are heart-melting. It's just a short little cry and it's usually just out of the blue.
They are getting their baby blessings this Sunday and we are having a BBQ afterwards. We are looking forward to that. :) will post pics soon...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Love love... LOVE
HI! Well they're hear! Fayleah Reagh and Eden Beverly!
so... pretty much my entire pregnancy was great, i was induced on April 28th... labour was also great.
are you thinking i'm crazy? i feel super blessed, that's for sure!
Dr. Adolph was wonderful. What a crazy experience.
love. love is a crazy things. there are so many different types.
This type of love i have for my girls is the strongest love i've ever felt.
That love came instantly. i didn't have to fall in love, it didn't take anytime.
It is instant and constant and unconditional.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
8 more days... then BAM!
Well my friends :) If you didn't know already we have an induction date set for April 28th if these little ones don't come on their own before that. I have mixed feelings about being induced... i really want these little babies to come when they are ready to come and not be forced to make an early entrance... they say that full term for twins is 37 weeks and i will be passed that so that seems ok to me... and my doc, Dr. Adolph (whom i love btw) will be the one to induce (if we get that far) which i am happy about because she is going to be leaving for a while and i really am wanting her to be the deliverer. Ha! so that is good too... but there's just that little ...thing... in the back of my mind that says, babies should come when they are ready.. however - man, can you tell i'm going around and around about this???- i realize with high-risk pregnancies, such as twins, there are risks with babies being in too long or too short.. so i'll just leave it up to the pros and continue praying. :).... ooh that's another thing i had better mention. Josh and i are sooooo super grateful to Heavenly Father for many things of coarse but especially for this one thing inparticular that we have been praying for since we found out twins had been assigned to us... we've been praying that i would be able to have a natural delivery, which i've always (well always in a sense of the word) wanted to be able to experience, especially for my first delivery. When i told Dr. Adolph at my first appt with her that i did not want a c-section, she kinda looked at me and said, "I am going to deliver healthy babies, and what ever way i have to do that is the way i'm gunna do it." ... i thought that was a pretty darn good answer, and thought how could i have been so selfish? Anyways.... she said that the best circumstance for a natural delivery with, especially with twins, is that both the babies present head down. So, that is what we've been praying for just about every night, and you know what? Let me tell you... both babies are head down and we are planning for a natural delivery. It's nice to know that Heavenly Father cares about each of us and will allow some of our righteous desires to happen. :)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Farrells Squared
We are the Farrell couple :) Married April 3rd 2009. We are about to be squared. "How?" you might ask... we are expecting TWINS within the next 2 weeks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our little family of 2 will be turning to 4 very, very soon.
I feel very blessed to have had such a great pregnancy. Sometimes, when i hear other women's experiences with their pregnancies i feel a tad bit guilty. I've been off work for the past 2 weeks and have a maximum of 2 weeks until i'll be induced. Our basement is currently being finished by my amazing hubby, Josh, as well as our landlord/neighbour/friend Leon. We've had lots of family and friends over to help out down there and there is FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel :) Josh and Leon are currently working on the doors... carpet will be going in this weekend. HURRAH! Soooooo aside from chillaxin these past couple weeks... i've tried to be a tad bit productive. Most of my productiveness plans have been pushed aside by spending probably more time then necessary on the blog, Make it and Love it - which i love. I've gotten a wee bit crafty and still have LOTS to do before these little ones make their entrance. So.. i'll post some pics of what i've been up to and try to keep this blog updated! ... people keep telling me i wont have any time once these babies arrive- i sure hope they're wrong. ha!
I feel very blessed to have had such a great pregnancy. Sometimes, when i hear other women's experiences with their pregnancies i feel a tad bit guilty. I've been off work for the past 2 weeks and have a maximum of 2 weeks until i'll be induced. Our basement is currently being finished by my amazing hubby, Josh, as well as our landlord/neighbour/friend Leon. We've had lots of family and friends over to help out down there and there is FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel :) Josh and Leon are currently working on the doors... carpet will be going in this weekend. HURRAH! Soooooo aside from chillaxin these past couple weeks... i've tried to be a tad bit productive. Most of my productiveness plans have been pushed aside by spending probably more time then necessary on the blog, Make it and Love it - which i love. I've gotten a wee bit crafty and still have LOTS to do before these little ones make their entrance. So.. i'll post some pics of what i've been up to and try to keep this blog updated! ... people keep telling me i wont have any time once these babies arrive- i sure hope they're wrong. ha!
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